What is the safest way to tuck

By | October 13, 2022
What is the safest way to tuck

There are a few different ways to tuck, but the most important thing is to be careful and go slowly.

Some people use tape or glue to hold everything in place, but this can be dangerous if it’s not done properly. The safest way to tuck is to use a gaff ring.

A gaff ring is a small, circular piece of metal that goes around the base of your penis and holds everything in place. It’s much safer than using tape or glue, and it’s also easier to remove if you need to.

To put on a gaff ring, simply slip it over the head of your penis and pull it down into place. Once it’s in place, it will keep everything firmly in place.

Related FAQ: 

What is a tucking ring

How does a gaff ring work

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