How does a tucking gaff ring work

By | October 13, 2022
How does a gaff ring work

A tucking gaff ring is a small, circular piece of jewelry worn around the base of the penis.

The ring serves two purposes: it holds the testicles in place so they do not retract into the body during sexual activity, and it provides additional stimulation to the wearer by putting pressure on the perineum (the area between the anus and scrotum).

Tucking gaff rings are typically made of metal or silicone, and vary in size depending on the individual.

Some people find that wearing a tucking gaff ring enhances their sexual pleasure, while others simply wear it for aesthetic reasons.

Either way, if you’re interested in trying out a tucking gaff ring, be sure to consult with your doctor or sex therapist


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What is a tucking ring

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